I'm Arabella Hille, a parenting educator qualified in behavioral science with over 20 years of experience as a mother and a background in teaching. I am the author of the best-selling ultimate guide parenting series and the founder of Victorious Parenting.

My practical results-driven programs have positively impacted the lives of over 70,000 caregivers worldwide, helping them to bring out the best in their children.

A child's misbehavior can point to deeper issues with their self-esteem, and sometimes we can unknowingly contribute to lowering it. I've been there myself, but I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to stay that way.

Your child's self-esteem profoundly impacts their motivation, attitude, energy, response to peer pressure, learning ability, creativity, social skills, decision-making, problem-solving, and overall potential to achieve their goals.

My guide will equip you with battle-tested tools to nurture resilience and build confidence. Uncover the biggest parenting mistakes sabotaging your child's self-esteem.

Learn how to repair a strained parent/child relationship, increase motivation, improve attitude, build strong problem-solving skills, address root causes of low self-esteem, build a strong foundation of connection, and more.

This is more than a book. It is a comprehensive toolkit with a clear 7-step process for building self-esteem. It includes bonus resources to ensure you have the support you need to help your child successfully navigate any storm.

Promoting self-esteem is not about rescuing, overprotecting, or striving for perfection. Instead, it's about paving a road to a brighter future by nurturing hope, resilience, and confidence in your child. As a result, their challenging behaviors will improve, and your connection will strengthen.

✔️ Value-Packed, easy-to-follow action steps that achieve positive results.

✔️ Discover the root causes of low self-esteem and learn how to address them before they become ingrained.

✔️ Uncover the most destructive mistakes that sabotage self-esteem in children.

✔️ Receive bonus resources and continued support to maximize your success.

✔️ Suitable for all caregivers with children aged 1-19 years old.

It's never too late to turn things around. Promoting positive self-esteem can help your child feel more confident and capable. You are your child's biggest advocate, and every effort you make to help them will make a difference in their future.

Here's A Sneak 

Peak Inside

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Ch.1 Positive Self-esteem in Childhood

✔️  Self-esteem is made up of many components working together. In this chapter, you will learn what they are, how they work independently, and with each other. You will also learn how to leverage this to your advantage. 

You will learn the different types of self-esteem and how they function. You will discover what toxic self-esteem is and how children develop it. You will learn the types of limiting beliefs children commonly have and how to help them. Conversely, you will learn what positive self-esteem is and how it functions.

At the end of this chapter, you will have the opportunity to put what you learned into practice with easy-to-understand strategies and exercises. 

This book is logical, practical, and useful for any caregiver. This book is suitable for any age with examples for younger and older children. 

Ch.2 The Development of Self-esteem in Children

✔️  In this chapter I dive deeper into the components of self-esteem and how to apply them. I use examples to illustrate the principles I teach so you can understand them from a real-world perspective. 

I cover self-efficacy, self-motivation, self-regulation, and more. You will discover the four key elements of self-motivation and how they work together. You will learn some of the biggest mistakes parents make that can contribute to the lack of self-motivation in their children and how to overcome it. 

At the end of this chapter, you will have the opportunity to put what you've learned into practice via practical application. 

Ch. 3 How did we get here?

✔️  In this chapter, you will discover how a social experiment in the late 70s - early 80s led to an entire generation of adults with low self-esteem and entitlement issues. Discover how a similar experiment on Gen Z further compounded this problem.

You will gain a rich understanding of entitlement in youth and how it relates to low self-esteem. You will learn how it relates to where we are in society today and how to avoid the hidden mistakes parents make that may enable a child to develop toxic self-esteem and narcissism.

You will discover how your child's brain works in relation to negative experiences and how to help them when they experience setbacks and failure. You will discover how the brain's work/reward/avoidance mechanism works and how to leverage this to your advantage. 

At the end of this chapter, you will have the opportunity to put what you have learned into practice via practical application. 

Ch. 4 Seven Steps to Promoting Positive Self-esteem in Children

✔️ Learn my 7-step strategy to help your kids develop positive self-esteem and what you can do if your child continues to struggle. Each step deep dives into the topic and its subtopics to uncover the hidden aspects of self-esteem nobody is talking about. 

You will learn how each of these topics relates to self-esteem and how to avoid mistakes that lower it. You will discover how to put these concepts into practice within your home with examples for both younger and older children.

Ch 5. The Self-esteem Ladder

✔️ In this chapter, you will discover the self-esteem ladder. It outlines how each decision leads to learning and growth. The concepts in this chapter are accountability, responsibility, boundaries, independent thinking, and more. 

Ch 6. The Dangers of Over-Praise

✔️ Praise is an awesome motivator and comforter. Who doesn't love praise? I am a big advocate for praise and encouragement. However, too much praise can be harmful. Learn how too much praise can harm a child's self-esteem and how to strike a balance between encouraging your child and allowing them room to grow.

You will also discover the link between praise and motivation. In this chapter, I illustrate the concepts with examples and exercises that you can use today!

Ch 7. The Characteristics of Children with Low Self-esteem

✔️ Discover the characteristics of children who have low self-esteem. This chapter is an in-depth look at what constitutes as low-self esteem with practical strategies to help your child overcome it.

Ch 8. The Characteristics of Children with Positive Self-esteem

✔️ Uncover the key characteristics of children who have positive self-esteem. Learn how children with positive self-esteem interact with others within their environment.

This chapter goes deep into this topic to give you a clear understanding of what to aim for when boosting your child's self-esteem. I also give you strategies that you can apply right away.

Ch 9. Self-esteem Stealers

✔️ Discover the biggest self-esteem stealers. These are little recognized behaviors that seem innocent but can cause a child to lose faith in themselves and in their abilities.

In this chapter, you will get access to my famous "Grey Rock Method" used by thousands of  Victorious Parents worldwide to help them self-regulate their emotions when dealing with their child's tricky behavior. You will learn how to overcome power struggles with your child and what to do instead. 

Ch 10. Self-esteem Builders

✔️ Now that you know which behaviors rob your children of their self-esteem. Discover the key factors that build their self-esteem. 

In this chapter, you will learn more about the brain's inbuilt work/reward mechanism and how to naturally motivate your child toward healthy adaptive behaviors without the need for nagging or yelling. 

You will learn the concept of guiding and coaching along with value creation to help your child regain a sense of independence and strength in their lives. 

Ch 11. The Key to Personal Power and Self-Control

✔️ In this chapter, you will discover the key the personal power and self-control and how you can help your child navigate through tough situations like bullying. 

You will discover the root cause of external behavioral traits in children and how to help them develop positive self-esteem from the root up! You will also learn how to help your child navigate anger and overcome feelings of powerlessness and helplessness. 

Ch 12. Self-reflection Exercises

✔️ Self-reflection is a way to make new information become a permanent part of you. This book was written to change lives for the better. To do that you must put what you have learned into practice and make it a part of your parenting. This chapter will help you do that and more. 

Ch 13. The Ultimate Self-esteem Boosting Checklist

✔️ The Ultimate Guide to Promoting self-esteem wouldn't be complete without a checklist to get you through those tough times when you feel like resorting back to old patterns of behavior. This checklist can be tacked to your refrigerator, wall, or goal board to remind you of everything you have learned in this book at a glance.

You will also discover what blame culture is and how it relates to low self-esteem in children. Conversely, you will discover what success culture is and how to cultivate it.

I have researched how society has been behaviorally impacted since the events of 2020 and I learned something very alarming. If this new 'culture' is left unchecked it's going to lead to a generation of adults who fail to thrive and struggle with everyday adult responsibilities. 

The good news is, that this does not have to be your reality. In this chapter, you will become aware of what is going on behaviorally and how to avoid going off the edge with everyone else. This chapter will empower you to do something different in your parenting than the masses. You will learn the keys to cultivating a culture of success in your home so that you too can experience the peace and freedom you deserve in your home!

Ch 14. Chronic, or Situational Low Self-esteem?

✔️ You will discover the difference between chronic and situational low self-esteem. You will learn the hidden impacts of each and how to navigate through it. 

At the end of this chapter, you will have the opportunity to put what you have learned into practice to help your child to navigate through stress. 

Ch 15. Codependent Parenting and it's Impact on Self-esteem

✔️ In this chapter you will learn what codependent parenting is the hidden signs nobody is talking about and how it impacts child development and self-esteem.

You will read examples that illustrate common stressors parents can face such as inter-parental hostility and how seemingly small choices can have wide-ranging long-lasting impacts on your child. You will discover how parental stress can lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms particularly in parents who are in strained relationships, divorced, or single parents. 

Like my other chapters, I don't just teach, I also guide. You will learn how to apply the understanding in this chapter to your life. 

Final Thoughts

✔️ In this chapter I give you an important concept to use that will help you get through those tough days when parental guilt is tearing a hole in your heart. You will learn how to become Victorious in your parenting. 

Bonus Chapter: Downloadable's & More

✔️ This portion is delivered via pdf for audiobook listeners. This contains my best resources that relate to this topic. These resources come at no extra cost, they are yours to consume and share with others. 

Right at the end of this book, I give you a bibliography of my research for teachers and educators who want to dive into the scientific journals and elements that created a foundation for this book. 

Incredibly Fast & Easy

Methods For Boosting

Self-esteem + Self-esteem

Booster for Parents

This resource is designed to give you a super boost, so when you see fast results, you can build upon that and take your parenting to the next level!

I created six hacks in a mini-course to help you understand how to manage your child's behavior regarding self-esteem via practical application.

In this practical application, you will learn a variety of scenarios you might find yourself in and how to navigate through them. So your kids can shine like the superstars they were created to be!

This course is 2 in 1!

The first part is to help your kids, and the second is to help you! Click the button below to learn more. 

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taken action straight away,

so far positive results!

I see a change in my boy

(6) who is excited about it,

and my daughter (9)

is doing everything that's

been asked of her." 

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to reading your book.

It's full of amazing practical

strategies I know are going

to help my family. 

Thank you so much!!!"

Caryn G.

Thank You For Building

My Self-esteem Too!

"I bought Arabella's Ultimate

Guide to Self-esteem and

have found the resource

invaluable; lots of lightbulb

moments in there, for things

I do right and those I do wrong.

This book is like a bottle of

prosecco on a hard day

of parenting & homework."

Maria J.

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"I am a parent and my

biggest fear is not knowing

how to help my kid through

bullying and depression.

By buying your book I

feel that I'm more prepared

and capable to teach my kids. 

Most parents like myself

are new to this whole parenting

stuff and we still have much

more to learn."

Daniel N.

This is a



"The Ultimate Guide to

Promoting Positive Self-esteem

in Children was very enlightening.

I loved the step-by-step

process outlined in the book.

It gave me a lot to think about.

You can tell the author knows

what she is talking about!"

Carina H.

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